Clean Air Day

Celebrated on the first Wednesday of June each year, Clean Air Day is a movement to mobilize and enable Canadians to celebrate and protect the air we breathe.


Clean Air Day is a movement in order to help mobilize and enable people and organizations to celebrate and protect clean air and ensure their voice is heard. Air pollution causes heart and lung disease and results in over 17,400 people in Canada dying each year. From traffic to industry, wildfires to residential wood burning, threats to air quality are everywhere.

Our Mission

To bring together municipalities, businesses, governments, schools & educators, and the health sector to help celebrate Clean Air Day and work together to:

– Improve public understanding of air pollution, both indoors and outdoors.
– Build awareness of how air pollution affects our health.
– Give some easy examples of things we can all do to tackle air pollution and help protect the air we breathe, and our health.

Ways To Get Involved

The Walking School Bus

The Canadian Cancer Society has put together some amazing resources that outline what a WALKING SCHOOL BUS is and how to organize one in your community. Like a motorized bus, there is a planned route with scheduled stops. The Walking School Bus has many benefits for children and families including better health, and helping to keep the air they breathe a bit cleaner for EVERYONE.

Heathy Transportation & Free Public Transit

Public transit is already the greener choice for your community. NB Lung has been working with communities across Canada for several years, encouraging them to offer free rides on Clean Air Day. Cities like Fredericton, Moncton, and Saint John in New Brunswick have seen an increase in ridership, thanks to the Clean Air Day initiative. Get in touch with our team if you would like to see free public transit in your city on Clean Air Day!

Public transit is just one form of healthy transportation that you can explore for Clean Air Day. Every clean air initiative matters, whether you’re biking, carpooling, switching to a zero-emission vehicle, or organizing a walking school bus. Healthy transportation is an important part of protecting the air we breathe.

For Teachers & Parents: The Science of Air Quality

These educational resources have been developed to help teach about the science of Air Quality. Click the link below to find activity sheets and lesson plans exploring the sources of air pollution, how we measure its impact, and steps everyone can take to reduce their impact on the air we breathe.

Understanding Air Quality & Resources For Educators

Clean Air Day Events

NB Lung has created the Clean Air Day Planning Toolkit to help you plant your own Clean Air Day event. We are encouraging want individuals, community groups, municipalities and businesses to organize events celebrating #cleanaireverywhere 

Looking to promote your event? We’ve got you covered with our customizable posters and social media posts to help get the word out about your Clean Air Day events! Get in touch with the NB Lung Clean Air Day team to have your event listed on our website!

NB Lung has been helping New Brunswickers breathe easier since 1933.
Thank you for your support!

Page Last Updated: 28/02/2023