
With the New Brunswick provincial election just around the corner, NB Lung has prepared a list of questions you can ask your MLA candidates, focusing on respiratory health and environmental concerns. Health and the environment are top of mind for many candidates, but how they respond to the following questions will shape the future of our province.

We’ve crafted Six Questions to ask your MLA candidates related to the pillars of our work at NB Lung: Outdoor Air Quality, Climate Change, Indoor Air Quality, Radon & Lung Cancer, Vaccine Availability & Uptake, and Smoking & Vaping

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Outdoor Air Quality - How will you protect New Brunswick students from poor air quality as they travel to and from school each day?

Why this matters: We know that diesel and gas school buses have a negative impact on the health of students; increasing the rates of lung and cardiovascular diseases, negatively impacting cognitive development, and increasing rates of anxiety and depression. New Brunswick has made a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030. Right now, on 2% of New Brunswick’s school bus fleet is electric (ie. 22 electric buses).

Ideal Response: The candidate approves of adopting a similar goal to that set by the province of Prince Edward Island, committing to electrifying 100% of their school bus fleet by 2030. This would ensure cleaner air for our students and reduce harmful emissions provincewide. Transitioning to electric buses will directly protect the lung health of children while contributing to climate goals.


Climate Change - What is your party’s position on developing a fossil fuel industry in our province?

Why this matters: The development of a fossil fuel industry, including natural gas extraction and fracking, would undermine efforts to combat climate change. New Brunswick has seen an increase in extreme weather, soil erosion, vector born diseases (like lime disease from ticks), and many other harmful impacts of climate change. The province should commit to working towards a greener future by moving away from a reliance on fossil fuel.

Ideal Response: The candidate approves of significant investments in renewable energy projects and energy efficiency programs, which not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also protect public health from the harmful effects of fossil fuel pollution. Shifting to a green economy will create sustainable jobs and position New Brunswick as a leader in clean energy. 

Radon - What will your party do to prevent radon-induced lung cancer in New Brunswick?

Why this matters: Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and while the government has begun testing in schools and social housing, many New Brunswickers cannot afford the necessary mitigation measures. New Brunswick also has particularly high levels of radon – NB Lung’s tests have show that as many as 1 in 4 homes have unsafe level of radon.

Ideal Response: The candidate approves of introducing subsidies or financial assistance programs for radon mitigation in low- and moderate-income households. This will ensure that all residents have access to safe living conditions, regardless of their financial situation.

Indoor Air Quality - How will your party modernize public buildings to keep pace with best practices with regards to indoor air quality?

Why this matters: Air quality standards are an important part of preventative care. Many government-run buildings, such as hospitals, long-term care homes, and schools, fall short of modern air quality standards, putting vulnerable New Brunswickers (children, patients, immunocompromised individuals) at risk. Poor indoor air quality leads to increased spread of airborne disease, which places further strain on our already overrun hospitals.


Ideal Response: The candidate approves of a comprehensive strategy to modernize public facilities, including updated ventilation systems and ongoing air quality monitoring. By aligning these buildings with current best practices, we can protect public health and reduce the spread of airborne illnesses, as highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaccine Availability & Uptake - How will your party modernize public health policies to prevent undue strain on our overburdened health system?

Why this matters: Immunization programs are critical to reducing the burden of infectious respiratory diseases on our healthcare system. Yet, New Brunswick’s publicly funded adult immunization program is outdated, covering only a small subset of available vaccines. Effective immunization programs will save people’s lives, and help reduce the strain on emergency rooms across the province.

Ideal Response: The candidate approves of expanding the immunization program to include a broader range of adult vaccines, ensuring that all New Brunswickers, regardless of insurance coverage, have access to these life-saving immunizations. This approach will help prevent hospital admissions, reduce absenteeism, and ultimately ease the strain on our overburdened health system.

Smoking & Vaping - How will you address the epidemic of youth nicotine addiction?

Why this matters: Youth vaping has reached epidemic levels in New Brunswick. Approximately 1 in 3 New Brunswick youth in grades 7 to 12 reported vaping in the last 30. Vaping is not harmless. In addition to the serious concern of nicotine addiction, studies indicate that youth who vape are 3 times more likely to start smoking tobacco that their peers who do not.


Ideal Response: The candidate agrees to take bold steps to keep nicotine products out of the hands of youths. Increasing the legal age to purchase these products and providing universal access for evidence-informed, accessible, equitable and culturally appropriate smoking cessation interventions are key steps to a healthier future for our youths.

If you’ve made it this far, join us on our Advocacy page where we have pre-written letters availible for you to download and edit as you see fit to send to your MLA!

NB Lung has been helping New Brunswickers breathe easier since 1933.
Thank you for your support!