About Us:
Faces of Lung Disease
Did You Know?
Lungs contain approximately 2,400 kilometres of airways and 300 to 500 million air sacs (alveoli).
Learning about different lung diseases is a powerful way to #BreakStigma!
With 1 in 5 New Brunswickers living with lung disease, it is likely that you or someone you love lives with lung disease. Let’s talk about it!
Stigma about lung diseases can cause patients to delay talking to their health professional, which can delay diagnosis and treatment. Recent studies show that over half of all people with lung cancer have experienced social isolation.
Are you or your loved ones living with a lung health condition? Join our Patient & Caregiver Support Group.
NB Lung thanks these New Brunswickers for sharing their experiences with us.
Kent & Heather
“I don’t know what we would have done if we didn’t have the oxygen machine from NB Lung.”

“I love New Brunswick… But right now, the area has this hidden danger.”

“Twenty years ago, I would never have thought this was going to happen to me.”

“Once I started to get a little bit better, I realized… maybe this is a possibility for me.“

“It is really important to understand about radon…”

“For me, having a transplant has opened my eyes and heart to so many things.”

“NB Lung helped me navigate the complex journey for a transplant…”

“Every day when I see my scar, I remember that a stranger gave me a new life! “

“Together we help shape the pathway of lung health and research in the years to come!”
Page Last Updated: 28/02/2023