Health Professionals
Did You Know?
For over 20 years, NB Lung has been a leader in national environmental health issues.
NB Lung is an ally in lung health promotion. Explore our programs for health professionals
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Health Professionals for Action on Climate Change
Health professionals can be a key ally in communicating climate change to the public.
Through their various touch points in all areas of the community, health professionals represent a trusted voice and interact with people who may not otherwise be engaged in climate change. Health professionals can be the first contact to members of the public asking questions about their health and climate change.
We want to support health professionals as you educate and treat your patients. Here you will find educational resources that may help you bring awareness to how climate change affects human health, and the steps we can take to protect ourselves.
We’ve created free resources for health professionals to learn more about the links between climate change and health, and to start conversations with your patients.

Respiratory Health Symposium
NB Lung’s 30th Annual Respiratory Health Symposium is scheduled for September 28th, 2023.
Join us virtually from 8:30 – 12:00 pm for continued education for respiratory professionals, healthcare workers, and students. Simultaneous English-French interpretation will be provided.
Learn more about our Respiratory Health Symposium.

Cannabis Harm Reduction
NB Lung is developing Cannabis Harm Reduction resources for health professionals.
Health professionals are invited to participate in our Advisory Group to help shape the resources you need to demystify cannabis and discuss harm reduction strategies with your patients.
Please contact to participate.
Resources will be launched in Fall 2023.

NB Lung has been helping New Brunswickers breathe easier since 1933.
Thank you for your support!
Page Last Updated: 28/02/2023