Clean Air


Scroll Down to find all our programs. CPAP Donation Program, Lung Transplant Patient Support, Lung Health Patient Support, Medical Equipment Financial Aid, Clean Air for All, Radon Gas Awareness

serving new brunswick since 1933

Established during the tuberculosis pandemic, our charity has shifted focus over time to address the evolving threats to lung health; from smoking and vaping, communicable and hereditary lung disease including cancer to indoor and outdoor air quality and pollution, and climate change.


Come find the latest from the NB Lung Office! News, updates, survey opportunities, advocacy opportunities, events & more!

All Our Programs

Public Programs for Lung Health, Air Quality, Electric Alternatives & More. Programs for Health Professionals & Ongoing Education. Partner Programs brought to you by partnering organizations.

Lung Transplant Support

The lung transplant support group for patients & their care givers is open. We're here to help with information, process guidance, essential equipment & more!

Radon Testing

Radon effects 1/4 New Brunswick homes. Find a radon test kit near you with the Library Lending Program or Purchase a test kit & support our Radon Community Testing Drives with a donation to Angela's Allies.


See our positions on policies impacting our lung health & environment. Take action by downloading our pre-written letters, find your MLA.

Breathe | the lung association of New Brunswick has become NB Lung, an independent entity devoted entirely to New Brunswick lung health priorities.

NB Lung’s Impact

2023-2024 at a glance

13,500 COVID-19 rapid tests

distributed to New Brunswickers across the province

75,000+ Riders on Public Transit

thanks to NB Lung’s National Clean Air Day campaign

1000+ New Brunswick Homes

provided with free long-term radon testing kits

Replacing a conventional vehicle with an electric vehicle reduces air pollutants such as NO2, SO2, particulate matter and VOCs. These reductions in air pollutants are measurable and are necessary to improve respiratory health.


Citizen Science - Air Quality Monitoring

Citizen Science is another name for public participation in environmental research. It’s a cost-effective way of capturing more widespread data to extend a program’s focus area, and best of all – you don’t have to be a “scientist” to take part!  

Anyone can do it, and it’s a great way to ensure communities across NB are included in air quality monitoring efforts.


Many people with lung disease can lead a better life if they practice gentle exercises that are focused on breathing, and doctors recommend gentle exercise for COPD patients especially.

The Foundation for Resilient Health

The Foundation for Resilient Health (RESILIENT) springboards from this history, trust, and evidence-based expertise, into the realm of promoting the key pillars of resilient health.

Page Last Updated: 28/02/2023