Environmental Health:

Indoor Air Quality

Did You Know?

Air pollution leads to disease, increased hospitalizations and even premature death.

We spend much of our time indoors, as much as 21 hours each day!

Did you know that common products and practices can be a source of air pollution? Also, naturally occurring humidity, mould, and radon also affect indoor air quality.

Indoor air pollution can cause serious health problems for some people, especially for people with lung diseases such as asthma or COPD, and increase the risk of a young child developing asthma.

Common sources of indoor air pollution include:

  • Cigarette smoking – no one should smoke indoors.
  • Mould or mildew
  • High humidity
  • Household cleaners
  • Household chemicals
  • Scented products
  • Pesticides
  • Radon gas
  • Wood smoke

DIY Clean Air: Corsi-rosenthal box fan filter

Corsi-rosenthal box fan filters are an affordable short-term solution for creating a clean-air room in your home. These DIY air-cleaning systems are made with simple materials found at any hardware store, at a fraction of the cost of many other air filtration solutions. The box fan pulls air through filters attached to its sides, and blows out clean air. Box fan filters like these can reduce indoor exposure to airborne particles. Check out our DIY video guide, and find the materials you will need to build your own box fan filter here.

Avoid these pollutants in your home, and test for radon to protect your health.

Page Last Updated: 28/02/2023