NB Lung | Poumon NB is a proud partner of Natural Resources Canada’s Zero Emissions Vehicle Awareness Initiative and is grateful to be a recipient of the funding announced today.

The investment will allow NB Lung | Poumon NB to break into high school student engagement and educational programming, expand electric vehicle (EV) outreach and public education by bringing vehicles and experts to community events.

“We know that educating people about EVs is critical to adoption and our future is literally here, in high schools,” said Melanie Langille, CEO of NB Lung | Poumon NB. “We know that choosing healthier transportation options is the single best way for individuals to make a positive difference in improved air quality for the 1 in 5 New Brunswickers who live with lung disease and the 100% of New Brunswickers who have lungs!”

NB Lung | Poumon NB is invested in lowering the number of conventional vehicles on the road in order to improve lung health, and electric vehicles are a key aspect of that work. Replacing a conventional vehicle with an electric vehicle reduces air pollutants such as NO2, SO2, particulate matter and VOCs. These reductions in air pollutants are measurable and are necessary to improve respiratory health and air quality. With similar funding in the past, NB Lung | Poumon NB ran an Atlantic-wide campaign, developing a website, an electric vehicle hub for Atlantic Canadians to learn about the benefits of electric vehicles and access related resources.

NB Lung | Poumon NB, formerly the New Brunswick Lung Association, is a leader in lung health and clean air initiatives, with electric vehicle education and advocacy as one of its priorities. As co-chair of the New Brunswick EV Advisory Group, NB Lung | Poumon NB has been a key player in EV awareness and policy advocacy since 2015.

“Air is something we all share – and clean air quality is vital to lung health,” said Langille.

For media inquiries:
Erin Brandt Filliter
erin@porterobrien.com 613-295-5637